Join us. Get Active!

Our upcoming event ‘Walking the Talk’ is a great way to connect with like minded individuals who believe that real change begins with them.

Or sign up for our volunteer announcements and, support another community while getting to know your neighbors.

CONTACT US  with some of your own volunteer efforts at

Here are some of the volunteer and community fundraising efforts we’ve  led in the past.

There are so many ways to get active, and get involved!

Delivering PPE to hospitals at the start of the pandemic
Delivering PPE to hospitals at the start of the pandemic
volunteers delivering water to unhoused people during a heat wave
Educating the youth on healthy food alternatives and the healing aspects of fruit
Our volunteers have the spirit!
Marc Schecter, Owner of Square Pie Guys partnered with us to provide pizza at a local encampment for residents while we provided resources and the volunteers built community
Our unhoused resource drive and partners at The Homeless Action Center.
Volunteers at our unhoused resource drive and partners at The Homeless Action Center.


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